Thursday, July 30, 2009

A stunning tribute to Chairman Meow

chairman meow painting
Cat owners were brought to tears of kitty-patriotism today, at an unveiling of a Chairman Meow portrait by artist Dan Lacey. Many people were overcome with emotion.

Witnesses describe several people collapsing, and others holding their cats in the air while speaking in tongues at the mere sight of this stunning portrait; leader of the Feline Revolution. "The pancake on Benevolent Leader Meow's head represents a vision of the future when cats rule the world!" cried one woman who was shaking with excitement.

It is not known what the political implications of this public response will be, or the painting was the inspiration for Sarah Palin's recent decision to step down form office to pursue a "higher calling." For a limited time, this insprational painting is available as a magnet to all cat servants.


  1. This icon of Chairman Meow shall soon replace the tired visage of Che Guevara as the true face of revolution.

    Long Live Great Leader Chairman Meow!

    What a brilliant series of pancake paintings, and a stunningly handsome portrait of Meow.
